It's a baby. Fresh, new, sweet twenty twelve. Only a week old.
I've already made my share of mistakes and misshapen attitudes.
But His mercy is new.
Every morning.
Every beginning.
And I am excited. New Years is still one of my favorite holidays. I know, I know. I'm a nerd. :)
I still need to think of more resolutions and/or settle on the ones I've made, but somewhere I read that it's during the day to day moments where the real changes in our heart occur. It's not the beginning of the year resolutions that change us. Plus, I feel like I can handle monthly resolutions better than yearly ones. I haven't made many spiritual resolutions yet.I have a feeling that the spiritual resolutions need to begin more in baby steps at the beginning of each week instead of the overwhelming beginning of 365 days. I still need to set goals for that though because it's important for me to have goals.
One thing I really want to try this year though is doing something consistently each new month. Plus, I hear that it takes around 30 days(?) to create a habit, SO I could potentially have 12 new habits by the end of this year. Maybe, maybe? :)
Well, for January, I'm trying to take at least one picture every day. :) So far, I've succeeded! I've even taken more than one picture daily, which is saying something because I'm horrible at using my camera.
Can I share some of them with you?

Day 1. The New Year started at our home church. Briana and I were able to play our instruments at church again . . . first time in several months.

Day 2 Family played some games Monday night . . . Dutch Blitz and In a Pickle. I had a good time, and I think they did too. Good to do something as a family.

On Day 2, I also got to see my friend Holly, a friend from high school. That was good, and we got to act like dorks in front of a camera. :)

Day 3 I drove in my job to Riddle, Oregon (South). The sky was THRILLING as the sunset. So beautiful!

Day 4 I went to PORTLAND for my job! Ah, my town. Felt familiar in parts. Will be fun to be back for school in a few weeks.

Day 5 (Yeah, I know. Dorky pic, but at least I got in a picture! lol) I got in a very small wreck while driving for my job. Thankfully, it wasn't my fault and "my" rig only got dented. It was my first accident though. Good reminder that life isn't a guarantee. It's a gift. From Jesus.

Day 6 My family took pizza to my grandparents house. Love them so much. They're so funny. Grandpa dressed up in a tie and mismatched socks just to see our reaction. Grandma sang some songs with us. It was good to be with them. Love them a lot.

Day 7 Briana and I went on a miniature road trip in our small town, trying to discover new nooks and crannies. We went to a cemetery as well. On the back of one of the tombstones was etched "Thank You, Jesus." My . . . cemeteries are interesting places. I kinda like them though. I like to read the words left behind on gravestones. I like to imagine how many stories are laid buried in graveyards, and I like to try to understand what it means to be mortal.
This hasn't been the perfect week for me. I really need Jesus, and I need to refocus. I feel like I've spent more restless, agitated time with Him than real, focused time with Him. Thankfully, He is still the same. He is still working. He is so incredibly faithful. He is gentle and forgiving. I am undeserving.
I'm so glad He walked with me into twenty-twelve. The beginning of a new year has come, and He is still walking near. <3