Here's the last line of pictures for January! :)
Day 22: Good moments in the cafeteria --- one of my favorite places on campus. It's so fun to eat meals with good friends and siblings in Jesus. This is a picture of Crazy Curtis, my friend Kayla, and me. :)
Day 23: Roommate Bethany starting to feel the heat after day one of classes. Oh beautiful syllabus shock. :) But WE WILL MAKE IT! Conquerors.
Day 24: Friend Tiffany and me in the library. Reading. Again. :)
Day 25: Surprise birthday for my friend Jenae!!! Her roommate organized it, and we had a fun time. :)
Day 26: This is Roger. He's one of Multnomah students' favorite people. He's volunteered for the school for such a long time and has this unique, wonderful way of cheering us up when we need it. :)
Day 27: Again, in the cafeteria. These two are fantastic sisters. And they like their apples. :)
Day 28: My good friend, Kayla's birthday. Her roommate and I took her out to Indian food, and in India, you eat food with your fingers!!! So, we went in for the cultural experience. :)
Day 29: I got this sweet message from Kayla at the PERFECT TIME. Seriously, it was such a God-thing. Kayla didn't know that I'd need specific prayer at a specific moment, but Jesus did. Wow.
Day 30: Earlier that past week, I had tried out for a reading team for my C.S. Lewis class. I enjoyed trying out SO MUCH! Made me remember how much I love acting! :) Well, I was asked to be on the team! Highlight of my week. I'm excited. :)
Day 31: Every Tuesday, my dorm section has dorm section dinners. Here is a picture of a lot of the girls in my dorm section. :)
Well, I don't know if I've taken any pictures now that it's February, but I'm sure grateful for all the photos I got in January, and hopefully, I will be inspired to carry my camera with me more often. Maybe? :)
As for this month, I want to try to write an encouraging note each day. It's simple, but it gives me a good excuse to get something done that I enjoy doing but don't always take the time to do. :)
Ah, I have so much to update you on, like my new years desire to be trustworthy and my journey through making decisions and what my roommate helped me see about that through the Sunday school lesson at her church. I could tell you about how welcoming the people of Clackamas Bible Church have been as I visited them again this Sunday. Ah, I guess for another time. For now, I will leave you with a Corrie Ten Boom quote. She inspires me. May you be inspired in this new week!
"And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world's healing hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself."
- Corrie Ten Boom
Can I just say?! I love you so SO much! I am SO thankful that we are good friends and sisters in Christ! Jesus has sure blessed us with many MANY laughs and some awesome moments to seek Him together, pray together, be really messy together, and discover that His grace and love cover us through it all! I just love you way too much, Danae!! :)
And I know I've said it before many times.. but God has truly gifted you with an ability to express yourself through writing! You have such a beautiful heart, dear friend! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, findings and journey with me! I LOVE YOU!!!
Kayla, I do not know if you will read this but I thank you for being such a wonderful friend and sister to my sister. She loves you so much!
Danae, I love it! I LOVE that you got a picture with Roger. So great! Please don't stop taking pictures! Love you
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