Monday, May 10, 2010


This is a small list today, but my gifts have far outweighed this counting. Jesus is so good to me. Even though I haven't been seeking Him like I should be lately. Even when I'm faithless. I've got a lot of growing to do, but on the way, Thanks . . .

521. Spring rain

523. Field trip to courthouse . . . being able to witness an institution that I believe God set in play a few thousand years ago.

524. A friend allowing me to borrow a dress for formal . . . what a gift and relief! Wasn't sure what I was going to do!

525. The secret handshake Chinese friend and I do. :)

526. Poem from American friend :)

527. Chapel speaker who spoke on living hope

528. Hanging out with girls during formal and

529. Our after party . . . good food, fun movie, and Apples to Apples . . . Yes! :)

530. The corsage given to me by friend . . . completely unexpected.

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