Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Monday!

116. Hometown Legend by Jerry B. Jenkins - an autumn tradition? I read it last Autumn and have picked it up again for a re-read. One of my favs!

117. Rows of homegrown green beans

118. Chirping crickets

119. Hazy, Indian corn sunsets

120. Apologetics

121. The beginning of autumn, my favorite season.

122. Listening to Focus on the Family really early in the morning.

123. Senior camp-out this past weekend

124. Mama and Dad's prayers over me.

125. Waking up with decent hair. smile.

126. Laughter in Spanish 3.

127. A tiny, cold mouse nibbling on cheese . . . our very real Spanish three mascot that has passed away. Poor little guy. :) He fell into a sink on the weekend and couldn't get out. :( At least he wasn't running loose. Oh boy. :)

128. How Jesus helped me with my anger and with loving.

130. Hope and tomorrows.

131. Hearing "Lead me to the cross" on the radio on the way to funeral.

133. Yellow shawl from Grandma's hardworking hands.

134. Toasty campfires

135. S'Mores . . . mmmm

136. Staying up until 2:30 am laughing with a friend

137. Jesus in the chaos.

138. Bright green leaves backgrounded by a brilliant blue sky.

139. Quiet nature walks with Him.

140. Playing games with my wildly wonderful senior class.

Happy Monday! Keep countin'! :)

Yours truly,
just Simply Danae

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