Friday, August 21, 2009

Number Six

"Pick a number between 1 and 66," I told the 9 year old girl I babysit yesterday.

"Six." She answered. I was surprised she didn't ask why as I turned to the sixth book in the Bible. Now I am a true believer in divine appointments and circumstances, and I think this was a divine situation indeed. Previously, I had read Ann Voskamp's daily post which can be found here. It spoke of courage and how courage and humility are tied together. Anyway, a little later, I had asked Girl if she'd give me a number and "six" brought me to Joshua. Later, these are the words I read:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV

By nature, I am not a strong person. At all. I am very weak, very "nice," very safe. I keep a big space between danger and myself. I have this strong admiration for strong people though, especially strong women. For instance, I met a very strong Lady yesterday. She has a lot of love but knows how to be firm in love, knows how to raise four kiddos while they're daddy is fighting for us. And you know what? I want to be strong. It didn't really hit me until last night and this morning that I'm commanded by God to be strong. To be Courageous. To NOT be discouraged. And how can I be all this? Because "God will be with [me] wherever [I] go." WHEREVER! I want to tell the truth, even when it hurts. I don't want to apologize for being used by God to convict even when it's uncomfortable.

Well, I better wrap this up. I need to start bouncing into action and get somethings done besides publishing a post. :) Have a lovely day! Be strong!

Yours truly,
just Simply Danae ;)


shelbaybay said...

hey danae this is shelby olson :) how are you i miss seein you:) i love what you posted! it definetly gave me something to think about! i love that verse in joshua it really helps me becuase it reminds me that i dont have to be perfect and that when i do fear that God is the one there comforting me :) thanks and i will keep reading your posts :)

Danae Cowan said...

Hey, Shelby!!! I miss seeing you! I hear you're coming back to EL this year?! I'm so glad!!! Thanks for the comments! :)

Mark Timmons said...

While I am deployed that verse hangs around my neck and I tell my four kiddos to be strong and courageous almost every night when I am home. Espically the boys but the girls to know to be Strong and Courageous. Those two elements sum up the whole of what God has detailed in man to do great things.