Monday, February 8, 2010


Well hello! Today was kind of a dreary day where I live . . . the clouds were thick and held up the sky, and I was kinda down today. Probably mainly a result of tiredness. Ya gotta love that disease, but things are looking up. Such good things have been happening in my life lately. My mom was praying over me yesterday evening - - - I was having a case of the "blahs" (I know, that's a pathetic way to put it, but it really does sum it up)- - - and she prayed that Jesus would add spice to my life. And He so did! Honestly though, He does all the time. Sometimes, I've gotta look for it harder than others though, but as I've been reflecting, He's placed some big, beautiful, exciting spices in my life lately. Would you like to join me as I thank Him?

Thank You, Lord . . .

401. I've been accepted at MULTNOMAH!!! [Oh Jesus, thank You! This might be it, huh??]

402. The compliments . . . especially the unexpected.

403. Preview weekend at Multnomah!!! Oh My Word! What a fabulous time! [might write about that later?]

404. The safe drive up to Portland.

405. Meeting new, beautiful people

406. Hanging out with friends

407. Your freedom and love

408. Excitement of my unknown future

409. That little guy, sitting on my lap

410. Her tiny hand holding mine

411. Him being such a good brother and helping me out

412. Watching the kids play the Wii . . . too cute

413. Christian music playing in the house

414. The community and fellowship of hanging out with youth group, watching Super bowl party [Yay, Saints!]

415. Her encouragement and friendship

One of my friends told me recently that life is so good! And I responded that it is for us. I know some people's lives are so tattered and filled with hopelessness. And I mourn for them. I hope they come to know the incredible love of my Savior and the life He gives. I want to strive to bring God into those hopeless lives, but in the meantime, I want to thank Him for my life, 'cause it is GOOD! because He is good, and He is in it. alleluia.

holy experience

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