Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm Not Like Those Other Guys

All right, y'all . . . this is beautiful [and kinda crazy]! :)

Chorus to: "Other Guys" by Jonny Diaz

"Cause I'm not like those other guys
that just hit on you and feed you lines.
But may I say you're looking fine tonight?
Well, I love my mom and you know I cried
when I saw The Notebook seven times.
but if that is not who you desire, get that out of your mind.
Did I tell you you're looking fine tonight?
Because you are."

[Jonny Diaz, you're the bomb . . . It's. True. :) And you're married. Rats. Kidding, people. Really. :)]

You can hear the song here. :)Did I mention he's a Christian?? :) Woot! I love the love songs that come from our camp! Even if some of them are kinda crazy, like this one and Firefly by Jimmy Needham (it's worth the youtube visit), oh, and 500 miles by Steven Curtis Chapman. As for serious ones, Lanae Hale's "Let's Grow Old Together" is beautiful, as is "For My Love" by Bethany Dillon. Good Valentine Songs. <3 Ask me why I know all of this? Uh, . . . well, . . . What can I say? :)I'm just simply danae. :)

Man, I love the first two lines of Diaz' song: "'cause I'm not like those other guys that just hit on you and feed you lines." Rats, that's happened to me. (The second part of that statement) But I've done it too. I've fed lines. Embarrassing. It's so not love. I regret. And from today on out, from February 9, 2010, I want to watch more carefully the way I speak to my fellow boy soldiers in this battle o' life. I want to serve them with my words and build them up, not shed hints that I wouldn't back up, ya know?

Oh man, Jesus, please purify . . . if I need the coals to touch my lips, so be it. I know how bad it hurts to be "fed lines," and I've probably hurt guys with it too. I don't want to do it. Again. But when or if I ever do, please carry me again, Love. And prepare me for You-know-who [I don't] if You will. I'll wait. :)

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