Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 28: Preparing Through Prayer

Awhile back, I began this prayer journey. I tried to spend fifteen minutes with Jesus. These past few weeks, I've done miserably at this, but as I'm looking back, I feel like throughout each moment of prayer success (aka taking those times to pray) Jesus has used it to bring me so much closer to Him. So much closer.

And now, as I have stepped into the present circumstances, into some of the cresting waves and the winds that I'm working out now, I know more fully that Jesus will bring me through it. That I'll be safe. That He will be right there. And I know this because He's prepared me and showed me more who He was through prayer.

I love the way that He drew me to His throne about a month ago because He knew what would be ahead of me and knew I'd need that time with Him, and that I need to start forming habits that will send me living and breathing in His throne room. Such a precious thing.

I prayed again this morning for about fifteen minutes. Though the broken pieces of my situations haven't magically been put together yet, it felt good to be back at His feet again, and I'm planning on spending that time tonight. I need Jesus. And He shows up. <3

Dear Father,
You know. Everything. Thank You so much for calling my heart to prayer. You know how many times I've been so frustrated with it and with myself, but I don't regret any of those minutes spending time with You. Please forgive me for when I've failed. I want my time with You, Jesus, to be so engrained within me that it's a natural part of my day.
Can we change the fifteen minutes to a half an hour? Maybe someday to an hour? Please call me close, Jesus. I love You. Thank You so much for being here with me. You really are so good.

Your danae girl :) Aka Amen. :)

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