"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
- Paul in Philippians 4:6-7
Friends! Jesus helped me make my first prayer goal today of 15 minutes before the first event of my day! (Every little victory counts, beloved. Count them!) I can't say I had any strong revelations today about prayer though, but I won't give up. There's way too much of a treasure store out there somewhere that will reveal the treasure and depth and power and healing of prayer. I'll keep looking. Help me?
One thing that I started doing occasionally this summer though was giving things over to Jesus with my hands and with prayer. As I pray, I start by holding my hands, palms out, right out in front of me, and I pray what's in my heart. I pray them into my hands.
Jesus, I don't know what to do about a home church this semester. Or do I? I really want to find a place like my old church, Jesus. I don't know how I'm going to do it.
And then I lift my arms to Jesus, extending my hands out, palms toward heaven, and my worries leave my hands and are placed in the hands of Jesus.
It's more than a mental picture to me. It's a physical, literal handing over because you see, if I really believe that God is who He says He is and that my temporary struggles are not what are eternally important, I can realize that He is big enough to LITERALLY take my worries. I don't need them. (And He Does Take Them!!!!)
And when I let go, He is the One in charge of orchestrating my life. I can trust Him to take me through it. I can feel it, friends. I can feel the way He takes my burdens. Now, sometimes I have to lift up the same things over and over, but if I trust Him to take care of it, I don't have to worry. Hallelujah.
I encourage you to try it, to use your hands to reach Heaven. It's true. Once we can present our prayers, petitions, thanksgiving to Jesus, His peace swoops in and diffuses with gentle force into our hearts and minds, protecting us. Protecting us from our own worry. Protecting us from losing our focus on Jesus.
How are you using your posture or your hands to pray?
PS The prayer for day 3 is for integrity. <3
Father in Heaven,
Would You please make me a woman of integrity? There are many corners, Jesus, where there are hidden places of compromise, of half-hearted devotion. You hate that, don't You? Thank You for working on me. Please let my heart be full of integrity, not just my actions. I love You, Jesus.
Thanks for being with me today. We made it. :) Through botany exam and work. You're so present, and I'm so glad, Jesus. :)Thank You so much for calling me to Yourself and to be on Your team. I'm so glad I am.
I love You. (but still not enough. help me!)
In Jesus' name,
amen. <3
Sister this is so great and I loved your picture!!!! What a great way to show your surrender by opening up your hands. God is great and is in control! I love you so much!
Friend, You are such an encouragement to me. <3 even when we are completely silly. I pray that God will give you passion to pray and that while you pray He draws you closer to His heart. Love you my friend. Keep your eyes locked on Him <3
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