Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 4: Preparing My Heart

I woke up from about seven hours of sleep, tired and groggy. I showered and got ready for the day, grabbed the timer, and headed into my special stairwell for a fifteen minute meeting with the Creator of the Universe.

Silly danae.

And I struggled with focusing and staying awake. I didn't know what to pray for or how to pray.

But I think I could pull two things from this morning.

#1. I'm pretty sure that even if I am groggy and not fully awake and can't even think very clearly, Jesus is still happy to let me just sit and be still in His presence. He knows I need it, knows sometimes, I just need to be still.

#2. I should be constantly praying throughout the whole day, but when I set a specific amount of time to meet with Jesus, I don't necessarily have to let it be the first thing in the morning. I can give myself some time to wake up. ;) After all, how many times have I scheduled meetings with my friends right after I woke up? God is much more than my Friend; He's my Father, and He knows what a sleepy-headed daughter looks like, but I think it shows that I really want to learn from HIM if I can wake up a little before I meet with Him.

Just silly musings. What do you think?


Thank You so much for letting me just be danae in Your presence. For letting me just sit awhile with You, You loving me where I'm at. Please help me to do better at spending more quality time, at preparing my mind for those special moments that I have set aside for You and only You. Teach me to pray, Jesus. Please?

I love You (help me!).
In Jesus' name,

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