John Wesley
I love that quote. I love the fact that even though it doesn't feel true, I'm pretty sure it probably is. :) And it's quite relevant to this American crazyness.
It's the beginning of the week, and my first goal on this prayer journey is to set a time goal for this first week. The goal? Spend 15 minutes each day this week before Jesus in prayer. I just spent that time tonight, but for the rest of the week, I want to set a "deadline" per day. I want to have spent that 15 minutes with Jesus before my first class each day or before chapel if that's the first thing of my day. I'm doing this because sometimes, it's really easy for me to push off prayer and not make it a priority for the moment. Plus, if I can align my day with prayer, I think I'd be aligning my day right.
Plus, that 15 minutes will give me time to ask Jesus to teach me how to pray. :) I'm going to need to be praying a lot of that prayer these 31 days. :)
15 minutes isn't much. It's not hours and hours, but it's a start. Come join me?
Do you have a prayer goal for the week? A time commitment?
PS: The prayer for day 2 is for passion.
Dear Father,
You know me. You know how I can sometimes be so passionless for anything other than myself. Ouch. You know how I worship myself. Oh Jesus. Please forgive me. Bring me lower to ask for Your forgiveness.
Help me to open my hands, so You can take and give what You will. Please give passion, Jesus. Passion to love You, to obey You, to serve You, to worship You, to pray.
Reach into my gray, Jesus. Please bring fireworks of color, of passion . . . for You.
I love You. But not enough. Please teach me to love You, Lord.
In Jesus' name.

((Picture courtesy of Reflections of Joy Photography, a photography business run by my very talented and beautiful sister, Briana. Check out her work on her Reflections of Joy Photography facebook page! She's amazing!!!))
1 comment:
Wow, I needed to read this today. Thank you! Prayer is one thing I tend to hurry "through" but instead, I want to be intentional about prayer. Great post. Thank you.
I blog at 'Only A Breath', and I'd love for you to stop by when you have time. I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor". :)
Have a great day!
Melanie :)
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