Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 23: Let My Sin Bring Me Back to You, YHWH

Some people pray just to pray and some people pray to know God. --Andrew Murray

I so easily lose sight. Jesus knows.

And then Satan and this world are brutal tyrants.

They take anything good. Twist it. And scar my heart.

And knock me to my knees.

I can thank Jesus for this, because it turns my eyes back into His gaze.

Merciful God,
This world hurts sometimes, but thank You. Thank You because it brings me back to You. I'm safe with You, Abba.

But Jesus? There's more. My sin hurts too. Very much. And this doesn't always bring me to You. Sometimes, (most times) it makes me feel like running far away from You, from the fear that You'll be disappointed or ashamed or harsh, but Jesus, I need You. Even in my sin and my filth. Will You please be strong enough to carry me? I can't come to You perfect or clean or even pretty. I'm a mess most days. I don't want to run away anymore when I'm dirty. I want to run straight to You. I'm so sorry I'm such a mess. Will You still take me?

I very much need You, YHWH.


Your danae girl

1 comment:

Mom said...

You ARE a King's Kid--a princess, Danae. Truly! Yes, it is true, "For ALL have sinned and have come short of the glory of God". And that happens because there is a continual spiritual battle in this world. But He loves you just as you are and wants to hold you on His lap and love on you and tell you that you are very precious and He knows all about what you are going through. I care about you child of mine--but really His!